Managed Services

From one end of the datacenter to the other, we help deploy, manage, and advise organizations. By employing best practices and rich feature sets, Dreams Solutions gives secure and durable solutions that can tolerate any failure and keep your business operating with zero downtime and efficient operations.


Our storage solutions have up to 11 9s of availability, that’s 99.999999999%. Compute is no different, all our cloud providers have horizontal and vertically scalable instances (servers) that expand on an as needed basis, so buying hardware for the maybe is no longer a necessity. With this technology, organizations are empowered with the ability to innovate with their budget and meet the business needs of the day, versus maintaining a hardware product that must be refreshed, maintained, powered, cooled etc.

The price of Cloud Storage services is determined according to use, which is the amount of data it stores, the duration of the storage, the number of operations carried out in the data and the network resources used when data is transferred to accessed. In the “cold” storage classes, that guarantee data of infrequent Access at a long term, is also charged by the early elimination and the recovery of data.