Dreams Solutions provides a comprehensive range of fully supported, scalable, reliable and cost-effective hosting solutions for websites, back-office and membership.


Whether you prefer VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V we are equipped and certified to show you options to virtualize your physical server and applications.

Cloud Computing

Offering many options to get your organization to the cloud, can help you isolate the right mix of onsite and offsite resources.


Organizations can leverage open-source tools and expertise to minimize costly engineering overhead and help reduce the time and effort.

Managed Services

Dreams Solutions gives secure and durable solutions that can tolerate any failure and keep your business operating.

Disaster Recovery

When disaster strikes, what's your plan? Is your data backed up and replicated? Is it backed up offsite? Will the backup work?.

On Premise Hardware

We are experts in fitting a storage solution to your business whether it’s onsite or offsite and do it with a frugality that is budget sensitive.

Business Process Auditing

A business process audit may seem complicated and intimidating, but a modern business must consider this for more efficiency.

We Help You To Move Your Business

Start Building Your Website Today!





We specialize in web consulting in order to attain your business objectives.

In any of our service areas, we have consultantship, if you do not see it, in the following information, you can contact us in the following email: info@Dreamssolutionstech.com

In your business, you need to improve the use of your web site and increase the number of clients that you contact, better organization of your site, attract more quality traffic and position yourselves in Google, know what happens in your web and how to improve. With these aspects, Dreams Solutions can help you provide the consultantship your company needs.

Web Development

The conversion rate is one of the most important ways to measure the success of your website. To get a high conversion rate, or see the number of sales (conversions) per number of visits increase, first you’ll need to attract traffic, in large numbers, and market to them in the most effective way possible.


Reduce Costs By Better Targeting Customers

Acquiring new customers is a critical component in any growing organization. Without the right tools, knowledge or help, businesses often waste precious resources focusing on the wrong elements. Here’s what you can do to optimize your client acquisition strategies and how Dreamss Solutions can help:

Evaluate Risk

Determine which businesses and consumers make profitable new customers and present the least amount of risk.

Determine the Best Offer

Set optimal lending terms using scoring and segmentation tools.

Originate Credit Applications

Minimize risk while simplifying the credit application process

Improve Direct Mailings

Achieve better results from your direct mail offers by having valid data.

Market Research

Gain a better understanding of consumer behaviour, attitudes and motivations, and get an accurate picture of your prospects.

Digital Marketing

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